PIERRE, SD (KELO.com) — Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Supreme Court Justices, Constitutional officers, members of the House and Senate, and my fellow South Dakotans:
It is truly an honor to stand before you today as your governor.
Before I begin today, I’d like to say, “thank you,” on behalf of our state, to Secretary Kristi Noem. Kristi has served our state for eighteen years – in the State House, in Congress, and as our governor. She worked hard and did great things for our state. And it was my great honor to serve with her. She is helping President Trump make America safe again. We are proud of her and wish her well in that important job. She is still working for us – keeping our nation safe. Please join me in a round of applause to thank Governor Noem.
Today is a new day, and I’m starting out in a new job. It might surprise you to know this: even though I served as lieutenant governor for six years, not everyone knows about the lieutenant governor. I’d like to take some time to share some things you might not know about me.
Most importantly I’d like you to meet my family, many of whom are here today. My son Cody is here with his wife Liz and their two kids, Tally and Josie. My son Tristen is here with his wife Kalen and their daughter Birkin. My sons Jesse and Reggie are here. So is my twin sister Lorie, my brother Dan, and his wife Kathy. And we have many other extended family members here.
My wife Sandy is here today, as well. She and I have been married for almost 44 years. All of us are able to serve because of the support of our loved ones. I wouldn’t be standing here today without her constant support and encouragement. Sandy is going to be a great first lady for our state. Please help me welcome Sandy!
My roots are in South Dakota. I was born here, and I will die here.
I’m a fourth-generation South Dakotan. My father’s grandfather, Allen Rhoden, came to western South Dakota in 1907. He came to an area in Meade County called Chalkbutte. Union Center, where I live, wasn’t founded until 15 or 20 years after that. It was a four- or five-day trip to Sturgis for a load of lumber, so they built a three-room sod house and a sod barn. His son, John, who would be my grandfather, homesteaded two miles southeast of Union Center. My older brother, also named John, is now on that original homestead. My mother was a Murphy. I’m a fifth-generation South Dakotan on her side. Her family came west on horses and wagons. They homesteaded in the Two Rivers area, about 20 miles west of Union Center. Some of the original foundations of my family’s homesteads still stand today.
My dad was named Allen after his grandfather. He and my mom, Mildred, raised five kids. My twin sister, Lorie, and I are the fourth and fifth. Mom and Dad taught us the importance of faith in Jesus Christ. And church is still central in my life. They weren’t rich by any stretch. But they made sacrifices to send three of us kids to Sunshine Bible Academy near Miller. They wanted our schooling to be centered around our faith and our values.
My parents also taught us the value of work. Hard work is part of life on the ranch. Even today, I’m still happiest when I’m working with my hands. It’s how I relax. When I get home, I head out to the shop and start welding. I make branding irons, custom tools for ranching, and other things. I like to think about a plan, get it done, and see the fruits of my labor. There’s value in working to create something from start to finish.
Work ethic is central to what it means to be a South Dakotan. Work is a gift, not a punishment. We should all treat it that way. I will be asking my Cabinet to review all of our social welfare programs. When we offer services and assistance, we should make sure that we encourage people to work – to earn their own way – if they can. With the passage of Amendment F last November, my Department of Social Services will work with the Trump Administration to get the ball rolling on work requirements for recipients of Medicaid Expansion. Everyone needs a hand-up now and then. But we can’t make these programs a way of life. And SD Career Link will be available to these folks to help them find the career of their dreams.
We make and keep South Dakota Strong when we work together. Growing up in rural South Dakota, you also learn about the importance of community. We are rugged and fiercely independent – but we look out for our neighbors. Service is a big part of our lives.
Service in the military has always been a big part of my family. According to my great grandmother’s biography, my great-great-great grandfather came to America as aide-de-camp to General Lafayette. He fought in the Revolutionary War. He came with four brothers who all died in the Revolution. My grandfather, John, served in World War I. He fought in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, the largest and deadliest campaign in the history of the United States Army. My dad served in World War II and fought at the Battle of the Bulge. Two of my brothers served in the Army, one of them in Vietnam. That service mentality continues to my kids – My son Cody was a Black Hawk pilot. I’m proud of him for continuing the family legacy and serving our nation.
So when I came of age, I also felt called to serve. I signed up for the South Dakota National Guard and served for six years. As a former Guardsman, it is a great honor to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the South Dakota National Guard.
I’ve also been active in my community around Union Center – I’m sure that’s true for all of you in your own communities. I’ve been a leader in our church. I served on the board at our local Cenex. For several years, I coached women’s softball and boys’ basketball. And I still sing bass in a men’s quartet.
I served five years on the Meade County school board. In fact, after I got in the Legislature, I said many times that it was the only excuse I could come up with to get off the school board!
We’ve got quite a few first-time legislators this year, and I know how you feel. I still remember my first year in the State House in 2001. It was Bill Janklow’s last two years as governor, and I got to learn from House leaders like Matt Michels and Bill Peterson. My seat was over there where Rep. Keri Weems is sitting today. In fact, I served in the House with her a couple of years later.
When I became majority leader in 2005, I was very intimidated by the long-time appropriations chair, Jim Putnam. He had so much knowledge and experience. But I learned from him, and we became close friends.
I focused on some tough issues as a legislator: property taxes, tax cuts, property rights, protecting the outdoors, and the Second Amendment – a lot of the same issues we’ll be talking about this year. My focus has always been to keep South Dakota strong… safe… and free.
That’s my goal as your governor. And I want to work with you towards those goals. I want to keep South Dakota strong – strong families, strong businesses, and strong institutions. We will continue to care for families as they start and grow. That means taking care of both mothers and their children. And it means helping to rebuild families that are struggling. Sandy and I have been proud to work with Stronger Families Together to recruit more foster families across the state. Strong businesses pay strong wages and will help their employees put food on the table. Strong institutions protect our values and our way of life.
I want to keep South Dakota safe – with low crime and respect for law enforcement. My philosophy is that the best way to fight crime is to hire more officers, not to increase penalties. Increasing penalties just means we have to build even more prisons. I will support the Trump Administration’s efforts to secure our border. I want our families to feel safe in their homes. I want our kids to be safe playing outside. That’s the South Dakota I grew up in – let’s keep it that way.
And I want to keep South Dakota free. I am very proud that we are the freest state in a nation built on the principle of freedom. In South Dakota, we trust our people to make their own decisions and lead their lives as they see fit. We proved that this approach works. Freedom led to our strong economy. Freedom led to record visitors and new residents. And freedom will continue to be our calling card as long as I am governor.
I’m working with my Cabinet, my staff, and some legislators on policies to make South Dakota strong, safe, and free. I will be announcing some of those items in the coming days.
I am a common-sense conservative. In fact, I consistently ranked as one of South Dakota’s most conservative legislators. I believe that our rights come from God, not from government. Our Creator endowed us with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – and life comes first. I am pro-life. I’m pro-2nd Amendment. I believe that government is best when it is limited. And I trust our people to exercise their personal freedoms.
I’ve been involved in plenty of tough debates in this chamber and in the Senate chamber. Serving here, you learn to deal with all kinds of people. In our state legislature, we can have tough debates, even strong disagreements, and still walk out of the building each day as friends. I’m very proud of that fact.
One of the pillars of my administration will be civility. I want South Dakota to show how politics can and should be conducted. My first year here was 24 years ago. When you look back on your time here, ten or twenty years from now, I bet you won’t remember bill numbers or votes. But you will remember the people you served with. You will remember the difference that you made in people’s lives. So let’s pledge to be civil and work with each other.
We have plenty of tough issues to work on this year.
There is a lot of concern about property taxes. That’s an issue I’ve worked on ever since I came to Pierre. I will convene leadership in the House, the Senate, and other interested parties to sit down with me and find solutions.
I’m aware that eminent domain is a hot issue this session. I’m no stranger to this discussion. I’ve fought for private property rights in this Capitol for over 20 years. In 2006, I was the prime sponsor of legislation that reformed eminent domain in South Dakota (HB 1080). That legislation passed the Senate unanimously and passed the House with only 1 dissenting vote. When we work together and consider all perspectives, we can do great work for the people of South Dakota. Extremist environmental policies from Washington are not good for South Dakota – or for our nation. South Dakota must continue to be a state that respects landowners and ag producers. We are the stewards of the land who work day in and day out to put food on the table for us and the world.
I don’t just care about farmers and ranchers. I am a rancher. I don’t just care about landowners. I am a landowner. And when my time in this office is done, I’ll be going back to that ranch.
Until you’ve worked the land under the scorching heat, carried calves inside through bitter snowstorms in the middle of the night, helped neighbors when the need arises, or have been humbled in times when you yourself needed help, you may not fully understand what it’s like to be a steward of the land.
The good Lord has blessed my wife Sandy and me with a ranch – a home that I wouldn’t trade for anything. He’s blessed us with good health. Most importantly, He’s blessed us with a wonderful family.
Our land in South Dakota is a land of opportunity.
When we protect opportunity in South Dakota, we pave the way for better jobs for my children and grandchildren – and yours. Those opportunities might be on the farm and ranch, in a small town, or in a big city. Our kids should be free to pursue their dreams – whether they wear a welding helmet, scrubs, or a suit when they go to work.
To protect opportunity for all, South Dakota must have fair and predictable regulations for business. We shouldn’t change the rules in the middle of the game. South Dakota can be open for business, and we can offer a fair shake for every family. We should make sure our young people can stay here and work in a fulfilling career field. If we get this right, we can protect our property rights and provide opportunities for our kids and grandkids.
Every South Dakota student should have the opportunity to get the right education for their needs. Like Governor Noem, I support Leader Odenbach and Leader Mehlhaff’s bill to create Education Savings Accounts. And I will work to make sure that neither public schools nor homeschool families are harmed by this initiative.
This year, we are in a tough budget situation, especially when it comes to ongoing money. Governor Noem’s budget, like every governor’s budget, is a starting point. I will not be offering a separate budget proposal, but I do want to be part of an open budget conversation with you. I know there is concern about some specifics in the budget proposal. I will work with our budget office to try to restore some of those cuts. But we have to remember that, unless our revenue improves, this is a zero-sum game. Budgeting is about priorities. Every dollar we add means a dollar that has to be cut somewhere else.
We can find ways to make government more efficient. Like many of you, I am concerned about the size and scope of the federal government. I fully support President Trump’s new Department of Government Efficiency. In South Dakota, we are blessed with a very limited government. But we can always do better. I have directed my Cabinet to review each of their agencies and identify potential efficiencies. I have also asked them to provide me with options to bring to the Trump Administration to make our interactions with the federal government more efficient. The federal government needs to get smaller and let us take care of our own affairs. I trust that President Trump will make that happen.
We also need to take action on the prison. I just walked through the old penitentiary a couple of weeks ago, and it needs to go. It’s gothic inside. It looks like it hasn’t changed in decades. There are rooms with concrete crumbling from the ceiling. We are double-bunking in cells built for one person. I know there are strong feelings about the plan to build a new prison. I want to work through that with you. But this is way overdue. We’ve had the foresight to set money aside for the new facility. By paying cash, we will avoid hundreds of millions in interest, fees, and debt service payments. This is the year to finish the job.
As a former legislator, I remember how frustrating it could be when communication broke down between the Governor’s Office and the legislature. I promise you that I’m not going to let that happen. If you have a question or a concern about something, I’d be happy to try to schedule a meeting. If I can’t be available, someone on my Cabinet or staff will be. Let’s sit down and talk it out. I can explain where I’m coming from, and I can hear where you’re coming from. I want to work with you, not against you. My administration will be open: that includes legislative inquiries and subpoenas.
That goes for the public, as well. And it goes for the press. Another pillar of my administration will be openness and responsiveness. I’m not going to be hard to find. We have the obligation to protect the privacy of individuals, but we also have a responsibility to be open about the operations of government.
In that same spirit of openness, I want to extend a renewed hand to our tribes. A couple weeks ago, Chairman Renville echoed Governor Noem’s words, “Today, let’s reset. Today, let’s rebuild.” I could not agree more. We’ve had our ups and downs over the years, but I am asking our tribal leaders to make a fresh start with me.
Before Governor Noem left office, the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe passed a resolution to welcome her back to the reservation and hung their flag in the Rotunda the next day. This is a great first step to rebuild trust on behalf of all South Dakotans.
You know, it’s hard to believe how much things have changed during my time in Pierre. When I first came here, I had a flip phone. To this day, I kind of wish I’d never signed up for texting. My first plan was 25 cents per text. A certain representative named Kristi Noem would periodically send me a text just to run up my bill. All it said was “Cha Ching.” I didn’t have a keyboard, just the number keys. So replying was a real pain in the neck. Looking back though, that wasn’t all bad. It forced me to stop and think before I spoke. That’s what you are going to get with me: I’m going to think before I speak; I’m going to be honest and direct – maybe sometimes a little too direct!
There’s one more thing I want to talk to you about today. Now that I’ve moved into the Governor’s Office, I must appoint a new lieutenant governor. But I am not going to make that announcement today. I want to make the best possible selection for our state. Here is what I am looking for in the person that I select:
This individual must be loyal and honest – to me and to the people of South Dakota. My choice for Lieutenant Governor must share my commitment to keep South Dakota strong, safe, and free. He or she must be a strong partner who will provide me with wisdom, counsel, and help steer us in the right direction. And he or she must be ready to take over in the event I am no longer able to serve as Governor – it’s happened before!
I want to make a selection who recognizes that “Under God, the People Rule.” My lieutenant governor must be worthy of our tremendous people.
In closing, it is my great honor to serve as your governor. I would like to make one request of each of you – and of every South Dakotan. Please pray for me and for my family. We all work hard and try to do our best, but we are nothing without the help of the Good Lord.
I am looking forward to working with you in the Legislature, and to getting out and around the state to hear from our great people. Let’s work together this year. Let’s keep South Dakota strong, safe, and free.
Thank you. And may God continue to bless the great state of South Dakota.