Bald eagles on Mud Lake, Moody County, S.D., 3/22/22. Photo by Jesse Baumberger.
COLMAN, S.D. (KELO.com) — Bald eagles have been catching the attention of motorists this week in Moody County.
More than 80 eagles took over Mud Lake, northeast of Colman, following the goose migration.
The eagles have been cleaning up the winter kill as the lake thaws.
Many have moved on in the last day, but several dozen continue to linger.
See more photos below.
(Julia Kaye, KELO.com News, contributed this report.)
Bald eagles on Mud Lake, Moody County, S.D., 3/22/22
Am immature bald eagle. All photos by Jesse Baumberger.
A gathering of bald eagles.
Another view of a gathering of bald eables.
Bald eagles in the trees.