Screen grab of Gov. Kristi Noem's video announcing she is running for re-election, 11/12/21.
PIERRE, S.D. (KELO.com) — Governor Kristi Noem is gearing up for another campaign run.
She goes into the campaign with over $10 million dollars since the last election.
Her announcement comes Friday even as South Dakota lawmakers are readying to subpoena her administration on Monday.
Governor Noem says, “South Dakota’s best days are still ahead.”
Below is Noem’s news release about the announcement and below that is her video statement.
(Anthony Albano, KELO.com News, contributed to this report.)
Pierre, SD – Today, Governor Kristi Noem formally announced her campaign to serve a second term as Governor of South Dakota. Governor Noem heads into the campaign with over $10 million raised since her last election. Her campaign has more than $6.5 million cash on hand between all campaign accounts. Continuing, Governor Noem released the following statement today: “I was humbled and honored three years ago when the people of South Dakota put their trust in me to lead our state as Governor. We have been through challenging times but have also accomplished great things together. We’ve embraced fiscal responsibility, protected the freedoms of our people, fought federal government intrusions and invested in the next generation through education, healthcare, expanding broadband, and providing new career opportunities so our children can stay in South Dakota. We have the best economy in the nation as well as the best people and quality of life. There is so much more we can do together – I will never forget the South Dakota motto ‘Under God the People Rule.’ My administration has embraced this pledge, and it has led to success for our state. My family and I ask for your support as we announce today that I will be running for re-election as Governor of this great state. South Dakota’s best days are still ahead.” Leading Governor Noem’s campaign will be Joe Desilets as Campaign Manager, Chris Hupke as Deputy Campaign Manager, Kennedy Noem as Finance Director and Madison Sheahan as Operations Director. |