Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.).
YANKTON, S.D. (WNAX) — South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson said he’d support term limits for members of Congress during a tele-town hall meeting Wednesday night.
On a call with constituents 35 and younger, the second-term congressman said he supported amending the constitution to put term limits in place, saying it would “change the culture in D.C.”
But he cautioned term limits would not be as impactful as some advocates may believe.
“I don’t want you to put too much stock in it,” Johnson said. “The reality is that there are very few people out here in the House who spend 30, 40-year careers.”
He also said term limits shouldn’t be too short to allow new lawmakers to get acclimated to their positions.
Johnson took questions for about an hour.
(Jerry Oster, WNAX, contributed this report.)